theIR journey

Combine Consumer Behavior Data
with Automated Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing to the Right Person at the Right Time.

Precision Data

Find targets based on specific behaviors, purchase intent, and life stage events,

Automated Marketing

Launch daily or weekly always-on Direct Marketing programs based on your budget.

Performance Tracking

Measure ROAS with a dedicated Account Team helping you optimize campaigns.


"I've been retargeting my lost website visitors with Direct Mail every day since we started in 2019. It consistently brings in brand new customers and we're getting a 9x return on my spend.”

Laurie Dunlap,
Founder and CEO, Blue Canoe

Drive response in each stage of the customer journey.

Acquisition and Top-of-Funnel Engagement

Stop guessing about who you should mail to. Target Direct Mail to specific customers who have moved, bought a home, got married, had babies, purchased products, and other behavioral indicators.

Lead and Visitor Nurturing

Market to website visitors and leads who have already shown an interest. Capture contact information, and retarget with email, Direct Mail, and more to better convert the traffic you're getting now.

Customer Conversion

Convert abandoned carts and newsletter subscribers who didn't purchase. We append postal addresses to emails and launch targeted mailings to drive comebacks and purchases.

Retention and Post-Purchase

Trigger automated mailings 30, 45, 60 days after purchases with upsells or cross-sells. Schedule timely outreach based on Recency, Frequency, and Purchase Value to lift existing customer revenue.

We manage everything in-house, from data to deployment.


Analyze your customers and review your target audience criteria.


Connect to precise 3rd party data sources to create your audience.


Develop campaign parameters, budget, timing, and creative.


Set up campaign for automated mailing on daily or weekly cadence.


Measure results, use matchback data to refine audience further.


Direct Mail is proven to out-perform digital marketing.

The beauty of digital marketing is the ease of deployment, being able to target an group, set timing, and measure results.

But, most of the consumer emails, social media posts, and display advertisements are never seen. And, as a business, you're beholden to a black-box algorithm that make audiences opaque and pricing subject to your competitors and the market.

With Modern Solution, you can reach highly-targeted audiences with a higher-performing channel, all at a budget you set and measure.

Finally, combine the best of data and direct.

Choose Services Independently

Instead of combining an entire suite of services into a seamless campaign, you can also engage with our services separately.

Traditional Direct Mail

Planning, print, list, creative, mailing, all in-house!

Direct Mail Retargeting

Retarget lost website visitors with automated Direct Mail.

Customer Analysis

See 30+ graphs and charts to give insight into your own customers.

Digital + Direct Mail

Combine social, display, informed delivery emails with Direct Mail.

Capture Website Visitors

Capture name, email, address, and more of your website visitors.

1675 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 | 866-959-8365

© Modern Solution 2024. All rights reserved.